Shchusev Museum of Architecture - Moscow

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Shchusev Museum of Architecture - Moscow

As Russia's political capital, Moscow is one of the main tourist destinations on tour to Russia. Of course, the main reason Moscow's name is included in the Russia tour's main programs is not just because it is the capital. There are many tourist attractions in Moscow that attract many tourists from all around the world. Most of Moscow's tourist attractions are located in the city center, so most tourists spend all their time during their travel to Moscow in the city's historical and tourist center. Leaving aside the Red Square, which itself hosts many tourist attractions and the Kremlin complex, which also houses several other tourist attractions, there are still many places of interest on the Moscow tour. Tourists can visit them during their trip to Russia. Of course, due to many tourist attractions on the Moscow tour that tourists should visit first before visiting other places of interest, visiting less-famous ones entirely depends on how much time you have on the tour to Moscow. However, if you have enough time, we at Star Travel Group suggest you visit other places of interest in Moscow as well. One of these places and attractions is the Shchusev Museum of Architecture.


Shchusev Museum of Architecture - Moscow

Although the idea of ​​establishing an architectural museum was formed in the late 19th century, the museum was formally established in 1935 during the Soviet era. The Soviet government, which had initially carried out its anti-religious programs, had given the Donskoy Monastery and its Great Cathedral to the museum for permanent exhibitions. The museum initially collected and exhibited Russian and world architecture works, including Byzantine, European, and Middle Eastern architecture. Of course, various artifacts from around the world, including New Zealand and Chinese architecture, were also on display in the museum collection. After World War II, Russia paid more attention to the importance of preserving national treasures and heritage, so a new architectural museum was opened under Alexey Schusev's administration. Unlike the Academy of Architecture Museum, the new architecture museum planned to introduce architecture to the general public. The new museum soon found its place among Russian historical museums and showed its importance in preserving and teaching architecture history to the Russian people. The new museum of architecture was housed in the private home of the Talyzin aristocratic family, which was itself a historical example of architecture in Moscow. In the early 1960s, the way the two architectural museums in Moscow were run and the goals they had for their future were so similar that it seemed impossible not to merge the two museums. Of course, that happened in 1964, and two museums officially opened under the name of the Schusev State Research Museum. Both museums continued to hold permanent and temporary exhibitions. Still, the museum on Donskoy Monastery focused more on the history of architecture in Russia. The museum on the Talyzin Mansion concentrated on the architecture during the Soviet era. In 1991, following plans to return religious sites to the Russian Orthodox Church, the Donskoy Monastery was returned to the Orthodox Church, leading to significant changes to the Schusev State Museum of Architecture's management system. The Talyzin mansion, unprepared to immediately merge the two museums into one building, was forced to archive many of its exhibits. The mansion was last completely renovated in the 1960s, and significant changes, including a complete renovation, were strongly needed. However, over the years from the 1990s, the Shchusev Museum of Architecture has overcome its problems and turned to one of the city's significant attractions on the Moscow tour in the historical center of Moscow. This museum is considered a sacred place for the Russian architecture community since it maintains the history of Russian architecture and its heritage. If you're interested in learning about Russian architecture, we at the Star Travel Group recommend visiting this museum on your tour to Russia.


Shchusev Museum of Architecture - Moscow

One of the Shchusev Museum of Architecture's permanent exhibitions that you can visit during your travel to Russia is the model exhibition of the Grand Kremlin Palace. Of course, this model is different from the Grand Kremlin Palace that you see today on tour to Moscow. Based on a design by young Russian architect Vasily Bazhenov, the model was supposed to be built inside the Kremlin complex walls, but it was never finalized. The plan that Vasily Bazhenov intended to establish was based on the architectural spirit of the time of Catherine the Great and represented classicism architecture. This model, which is highly recommended for a visit to Russia tours during their trip to Russia, consists of detachable parts so that its interior design can be easily seen. This interior design by Vasily Bazhenov was considered one of the most excellent examples of interior design at the time. Although Vasily Bazhenov's design was never built, the model that continuously modified and displayed to the public once a month has now become one of the main attractions of the Shusuf Museum of Architecture, which you can visit during your travel to Moscow. If that palace were constructed in its time, it would have changed the atmosphere of Red Square and the Kremlin complex completely. However, its construction stopped only two years after the beginning of the project by the orders of the Empress.


Shchusev Museum of Architecture - Moscow

Another permanent exhibition of the Schusev State Museum of Architecture is the exhibition of David's Office. David Sarkisian was the director of the museum from 2000 to 2009. After his untimely death in 2009, museum officials, David's family, and his friends decided to create his bizarre office at the Schusev State Museum of Architecture. David Sarkisian's office at the Schusev State Museum was not just an office, but a showcase of his creative personality and a bright future that could await the Schusev State Museum of Architecture for the upcoming future. As the Schusev State Museum of Architecture under his leadership became one of the bastions for preserving Russian architectural history and heritage, this office, which is a memorial place for Sarkisian, is also of particular importance to the architects and staff of the museum. You can also visit this attractive office during your tour to Moscow.


Shchusev Museum of Architecture - Moscow

In addition to these two permanent exhibitions, there are two other exhibitions: an outdoor sculpture exhibition and the other an exhibition of decorations used in the famous Joseph Bove's Triumphal Arch at the Schusev State Museum of Architecture, which tourists can visit during their Moscow Tour. The museum is located near Red Square so that it will be easy for tourists of Russia tour to access. You can also visit our weblog to learn about other exceptional Moscow attractions. We also have reviewed the places of interest in Russia tour, and we offer the best ways to travel to Russia to our visitors.