St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral - St. Petersburg

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St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral - St. Petersburg

There are lots of factors involving in planning a vacation, especially when you want to travel to another country. Though it depends on your taste and expectations of foreign travels, a bunch of things is standard in every plan. Most people prepare several things before they begin their trip, such as choosing the top attractions that they want to see on their journey, especially if that place has several major attractions; the fun activities they want to try on their tour, especially on a travel to resort cities; whether if they want to visit religious sites or not; if they want to shop and visit shopping centers, etc.

Those questions are the ones that you should often ask yourself before you begin to plan your travel because the answers to those questions would shape your travel plan and what you’re going to do when you hit your destination. However, when you don’t know much about your travel destination, it’s hard to plan a perfect vacation, that’s where the travel agencies, including us at the Star Travel Company, come forward to help you plan your vacation.


St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral - St. Petersburg

One of the countries that have been tourists’ favorite in recent years is Russia, in which millions of tourists visit it annually. Several places in Russia can be a great tourist destination, such as the capital city of Moscow, the resort city of Sochi, the historic Kazan, and one of the best tourist destinations in Russia, the former capital of the country, Saint Petersburg. Each one of these cities have multiple things to offer to their visitors, for example, you will have the taste of history in Moscow; you can have a lot of fun in the resort city of Sochi, which has all sea and beach, jungle and hiking path, and mountain and Ski resort, and you can witness the history of Russia in Kazan.

St. Petersburg, as one of the top tourist destinations of Russia, has multiple things to offer to its visitors. When you visit St. Petersburg on your travel to Russia, you’ll have the opportunity to visit various historical places; more than a hundred museums in every sort; go and see a performance, especially Russian Ballet, which St. Petersburg is its birthplace; have fun in entertaining centers; go for a walk in city’s top parks and walking paths, such as the Summer Garden in the historic center of St. Petersburg or Pavlovsk in the suburban area; visit religious sites, such as beautiful cemeteries, historical churches and cathedrals, and well-known monasteries. Though there are lots of more activities that you can try on your trip to St. Petersburg, these are the top things that travel agencies will offer you for the basics of your Russia tour plans.


St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral - St. Petersburg

The religious sites in St. Petersburg are quite popular among tourists because each one of them has an astonishing history behind them, and most of them have turned to a museum after the Soviet era, so you find several fascinating exhibits inside them. We at the Star Travel company have already introduced multiple major and less-known religious sites in our weblog, and now we’re going to introduce the St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral, which is one of the few cathedrals that had been active throughout the Soviet era.


St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral - St. Petersburg

St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral is one of the oldest churches in St. Petersburg; though the wooden church was first constructed in 1708, Empress Anna had ordered to prepare a plan to replace the wooden church. However, it was only during the reign of Catherine the Great that the work to build a stone cathedral following the design of Antonio Rinaldi had begun. Antonio Rinaldi was directed to build the new cathedral, following the Dormition Cathedral in Moscow’s Kremlin, which for Rinaldi, who was the architect of the Gatchina Palace and the Marble Palace, wasn’t a difficult task. Unfortunately, a massive fire in 1772 gravely damaged the half-completed cathedral, and the construction was momentarily suspended. The project had begun after eleven years and is completed on the days that the union of Russia and the Crimean Khanate, which is probably the reason behind the naming the cathedral as it has named today.


St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral - St. Petersburg

The St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral continued to give services and didn’t change a lot until the October Revolution. Though most of the religious sites were destroyed or turned to a museum after the revolution, the St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral was one of the few churches that continued to work as a church throughout the Soviet era. The cathedral was only closed for the year 1926, and because it was open during this time, it’s one of the best-preserved churches in the city, though most of the decoration was removed after the revolution.


St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral - St. Petersburg

The St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral has kept several religious treasures of Orthodox Church safe during the second world war and the horrific Siege of Leningrad, including one of the holy icons of the Orthodox Church, the Icon of Our Lady From Kazan, from 1941 to 2001, before it was moved to the Kazan Cathedral in the Nevsky Prospect.


St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral - St. Petersburg

Though the icon of Our Lady from Kazan has been moved to the Kazan Cathedral, there are still loads of icons and religious treasures inside the church that you can see on your travel to Russia. The architecture of the cathedral is also a genuine motive for tourists to visit this cathedral on their tour to Russia. The bright white church has five domes, which has been designed following the Cathedral of Assumption in Moscow and considered to be the bridge between the late baroque and neoclassical architecture. The St. Prince Vladimir's Cathedral locates only ten minutes of walk away from Peter and Paul Fortress; therefore, you can include it on your journey to the ancient fort, and visit it during your tour to Russia.


St. Prince Vladimir’s Cathedral - St. Petersburg

We at the Star Travel Company recommend all the tourists to visit our weblog if you want to learn about the top St. Petersburg and Moscow attractive places, best places to shop in St. Petersburg and Moscow, or simply get our tips about how to travel to Russia. You can also compare our tours and see what features and options are more suit you on your trip to Russia.