Learn About Animals on Tour to St. Petersburg

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Learn About Animals on Tour to St. Petersburg

When tourists decide to travel to Russia, they have several choices in front of them. One of them is to explore all the tourist destinations in Russia, which takes lots of time, energy, and money. That’s why that is not a reasonable option for many tourists, and only a few can try it. Another option is to visit the top tourist destination cities in Russia, which is more reasonable. Still, it takes a lot of time and money. However, many tourists choose this option and reduce their spending by only visiting the top attractions in each tourist destination. The third option is to visit only one of the top destination cities but visit most of its attractions during their travel to Russia. Now, for the third group, there are still several options to choose from. Among the tourist destination cities in Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Sochi are the top ones. Sochi is one of the top resort cities in Europe. Tourists who want to have fun and get away from their everyday problems for a little while mostly choose Sochi. There are several fun activities in Sochi that tourists can try as well as multiple modern hotels, recreational facilities, and natural places to explore. Next, there is Moscow. As the capital of Russia, Moscow has been the first choice of many tourists who have decided to visit Russia. If you want to learn about Russian history, Moscow is an ideal place for you. There are lots of historical landmarks that you can explore on your tour to Moscow as well as several significant museums that you can visit while you’re there. Besides those, Moscow is also an excellent place for people who want to shop, both shopping for souvenirs and personal shopping. You can also learn a lot about Russian culture while you’re visiting Moscow. If you’re interested in Russia’s military history, there are several handfuls of military museums in Moscow that you can visit. However, most travel agencies recommend their tourists visit St. Petersburg if they have to choose only one place due to various reasons. St. Petersburg is the former capital of Russia. No matter the purpose of your travel, we guarantee that you will achieve your goal by visiting St. Petersburg on your trip to Russia. You can visit several art museums and see art performances, such as Russian ballet, to learn about Russian culture. There are several history museums and historical landmarks to satisfy your desire to learn about Russian history. Many architectural masterpieces will fill your need to see beautiful structures on your tour to Russia. Several parks and gardens that you can see while enjoying your trip to St. Petersburg. Besides all of those, you can also learn about lots of new things by visiting St. Petersburg. One of the things that you can learn about on your tour to St. Petersburg is about nature and animals. Several places can educate tourists about animals in St. Petersburg, which we’re going to introduce. However, not all of them are included on your tour to the St. Petersburg program, and you have to choose which ones to visit in your free time during your travel to Russia. St. Petersburg has more than enough significant attractions that can visit on a short trip to Russia, that’s why you have only to visit the ones that are more important to you. Currently, there are three top places about animals in St. Petersburg that most tourists would visit throughout their journey to Russia, The Leningrad Zoo, The Zoological Museum, and the Oceanarium on Planeta Neptune.

Leningrad Zoo


Learn About Animals on Tour to St. Petersburg

Leningrad Zoo is the second-largest zoo in Russia after the Moscow Zoo. Currently, this fantastic place has more than 2000 animals from 410 different species. Leningrad Zoo is one of the areas that recommended on tour to Russia, not only because of the variety in its collection but also because it locates on the Alexander Park on the Petrograd Side. The founders of this zoo were two animal lovers named Julius and Sofia Gerhardt, who had established it in 1865. Various people became the owner of the zoo throughout the years until the October Revolution. After the revolution, the zoo nationalized and became the property of the state. Leningrad Zoo was quite crucial for the people of Leningrad, to the point when the elephant of the zoo was killed during the bombing raid of the Nazi army, the whole city mourned. The zoo employees tried their best to keep the animals safe and keep the zoo open during the second world war. That’s why even after people vote to rename Leningrad to St. Petersburg in 1991, Leningrad Zoo kept its name. You can learn more about the zoo’s history and its current status on the St. Petersburg tour on our weblog.

Zoological Museum


Learn About Animals on Tour to St. Petersburg

The second place that educates and entertains tourists of Russia tour is the Zoological Museum of St. Petersburg. The Zoological Museum is one of the ten largest nature-history museums in the world. Currently, the Zoological Museum has an impressive collection of 17 million species. However, only 500 thousand of this amazing collection can be displayed in the museum’s current building. The Zoological Museum was established with Kunstkamera’s collection, but its collection had grown massively throughout the years. You can see massive mammoths, dinosaurs, and whale skeletons, as well as a fantastic collection of stuffed animals and butterflies if you visit this museum on your tour to Russia. Most people believe that the museum’s lack of technology is a downside for them, but sometimes, you can learn more about exhibits in an old-fashion way. You can learn more about the Zoological Museum on our weblog if you want to visit it during your travel to Russia.



Learn About Animals on Tour to St. Petersburg

The last place on our list and the most modern ones among the three are the Oceanarium on Planeta Neptune. This live exhibition was established in 2006 inside the shopping center and entertainment complex of Planeta Neptune in St. Petersburg. Although in terms of the number of exhibits, Oceanarium has way less than the other two, the quality of its collection of 2000 copies of 150 species of fish, marine creatures, and sea mammals can speak highly of this exhibition. If you’re interested in marine life and life under the ocean, we recommend visiting this museum on your tour to Russia. We have talked more about this place on our weblog, which we recommend reading if you have decided to visit it during your journey.


Learn About Animals on Tour to St. Petersburg

These three museums on tour to Russia are the top ones that educate you about animals and nature. However, other places in Russia can help you learn about these things. We recommend our tourists read our weblog if they want to learn more about top Russia attractive places.